Are you funding animal slavery?

Elephant ride tours

Elephants for hire, only they don’t receive any compensation, can’t go home, and most often, are mistreated. Isn’t that the definition of slavery?

Have you taken elephant rides in Thailand? or camel rides in Egypt? Did you swim with dolphins in a concrete aquarium? or take your kids to a circus, a zoo, or Sea World? Do you have pictures with exotic animals like a baby bobcat or an iguana on a leash? Sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but you (and me too) have been part of the problem.

wildlife tour mexico iguana

Let go of the guilt; you didn’t do it intentionally; we just didn’t see the complete picture. Animals are really freaking cool. Who doesn’t want to see a beluga whale up close and protected by a giant glass wall? Unfortunately, we never asked the animals if they were cool with it. I’m pretty sure if they could speak human, they would be opposed to large numbers of random people gawking at them, poking at them, climbing on them, screaming at them, taking selfies with them while being stuck in a cage. Imagine the frustration they must feel? 😱😱

Biologists like Jane Goodall have proven to us that animals are extremely sensitive beings. They want to get on with their lives. Like us, they must build a home and find food for their family. They educate their children and try to keep them alive. They enjoy social time with their tribe and have their besties. According to the scientists in this article, animals also have sex for pleasure! Naughty little monkeys.

There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery.” Charles Darwin

We do not have the right to take them away from their families, put them in cages, or train them to entertain for money. Animals have the same right as us, humans, to be free.

There is a respectful and responsible way for you to enjoy wildlife- and that is in their natural settings.

A few years back, I went to Mazunte, México, for a yoga retreat. On one of the excursions, a local eco-tour company took us snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean. We could see from a distance that something was going on ahead of us because there were a large number of birds flying above a rippling circle in the water. As we approached the ring, the captain told us to gear up and jump in. That was one of the most magical moments of my life. There must have been 50-60 dolphins of all sizes jumping, playing, eating, and communicating with their high pitched squeals. You could hear them underwater! 🤩🐬🦅 Of course, I did not have a camera, I was in the middle of the ocean, and I haven’t upgraded my iPhone 6 to a waterproof version- but it was better that way. It was just me and a breathtaking, unforgettable experience with nature. I was a simple spectator in their world.

***When choosing a wildlife excursion on your next holiday, be sure to support businesses that are operating environmentally and animal-friendly tours, like The Green Maya Project. Make sure certified, experienced guides will lead your tour. Bird watching, jungle trekking, camping, safaris, snorkeling, canoe, or kayak through natural waterways are some ways to witness wildlife in their natural setting without disturbing them. You can also visit, volunteer, and donate to animal rescue and rehabilitation centers.

Do your homework; some companies claim ethical treatment to the animals, but sadly it’s just not true. As a responsible tour operator, you will never see us disrespecting, encroaching upon or bribing wildlife with food nor would we throw things to make them move or perform. (true story 😥) The best part of the adventure is looking for the wildlife in their natural environments and then watching to see what they do and how they live.

Milo and Sammy living in the lap of dog luxury. I think they like it here. 🤣

Milo and Sammy living in the lap of dog luxury. I think they like it here. 🤣

I think domesticated pets are cool, as long as you are a good pet parent and try to think as they would. I still don’t think that birds belong in cages or snakes inside of homes. 🤷🏽‍♀️

All animals deserve dignity, and it’s our responsibility to give them that. Treat them the way that you want to be treated. If you don’t want an elephant on your back, the elephant probably doesn’t want you on it’s back either!

You have the power in your wallet to stop the mistreatment and exploitation of animals. When booking your family outings and vacation activities, vote with your money. Vote to let the animals live free, in the wild, where they belong.

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🙏 Many Blessings, Sara Renshaw @ The Green Maya Project

P.S. Nature heals, mentally, and physically. Get some today.



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